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Astrology & Tarot

An Exploration of Compatibility,

Chemistry and Partnership.


Cost: $300 

Time: 90 min - 2 hrs

Zoom Meeting w/ Mary Contrary


Your session begins with an examination of both partners Birth Chart. Here, we learn what each individual desires and requires in partnership. We then explore the Synastry Chart, which illustrates how the two people function in a relationship together. This offers insight into their communication style, chemistry, compatibility and "love languages". Next, we'll discuss the Composite Chart, which illustrates the overall goals/direction/energy of the partnership collectively.


By conducting a multifaceted analysis of these three distinct types of charts, we learn where your strengths are as a pair. It also helps us identify causes of potential tension/conflict and the best methods to resolve or avoid such difficulty. Synastry Readings can be conducted for any type of relationship (not just romantic). They can be incredibly healing for strained relationships with parents or siblings. 





  • Individual Natal Chart

  • Synastry Chart

  • Composite Chart

  • The "Compatibility" Planets

  • Tarot Reading


  • Date of Birth

  • Time of Birth

  • Birth City / State​​

​Please check your Birth Certificate before submitting your information.


Accurate Astrology begins with an Accurate Birth Time. Please double-check your Birth Certificate before submitting your Information. If you can not provide your Birth Data at the time of booking, please email it (at least 72 hours prior to your session) to 


If you have a particular area of life you're most interested in exploring, please mention that at the time of booking. I'm happy to focus the reading in that direction.  â€‹â€‹â€‹


​ZOOM is the preferred format for virtual readings. You’ll be emailed a Zoom link 5-10 minutes before your session. You'll receive a video recording of your reading to refer back to in the future.


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